track keystrokes on pc without software

Our Lawful PC Forensic technique is designed to reduce the complexity and countless technical on monitoring the unauthorized access and typing activities on the PC and offer elite tactical solutions to track keystrokes on PC without software installation and no detected by the anti-virus software.

Generally, PC forensic is required at high cost and many procedures to solve the complex problems such as computer frauds and computer forensics. 

Many of the big businesses have a big amount of budget to run their operation.

But what about small businesses, how can they run their PC investigation to detect the frauds and unauthorized access with the limited amount of budget ?


Why are PC Forensic & track keystrokes on PC without software important ?

PC forensic can improve the security for your hardware and get the edge over the enemies. In addition, it can help you to track unauthorized typing activities on the PC and unwanted access to your computer. 

We provide the examples by using the different scenarios below to show how each scenario able to uses the computer in inappropriate ways and the benefits you are going to gain once you apply PC forensic in your sector.

Workplace & Organization

Why track keystrokes on PC without software required in business association :

  1. Business server monitoring — to watch for unauthorized user typing activity on web servers.

  2. Employee surveillance — To monitor the specific activity from each employee.

  3. Employee productivity monitoring — to watchdog employees use of company time. 

  4. Detect the unauthorized access – To prevent the confidential from being leaked information such as business intelligence and intellectual property. And able to catch the real traitors of the organization.

Law Enforcement 

track keystrokes on pc without software

How track keystrokes on PC without software benefits to law enforcement :

Know the true source of the unauthorized accesses and typing activities such as :

Sometimes the police inside the department will use the computer to run the frauds by releasing confidential information 

Know the unauthorized access to victims & criminals information without any permission from supervisor

Know who release the secret meeting plans to the public or unrelated parties

Track the unauthorized edit of specific tactical competencies to handle with the terrorism.

Track the unauthorized typing actions — Police able to modify the criminal descriptions and incident reports without any permission from the supervisor and administrator. 

Once you plug-in the PC forensic hardware, you will be able to track all the access via typing activities.

Military Sector

track keystrokes on pc without software

Why track keystrokes on PC without software is necessary for military sector :

Misuse of an automated information system 

Unauthorized command and coding 

Create security vulnerabilities which cause damage to important information

Attempt to destroy the auditing systems. 

Modify or alter the operating system without permission from the administrator.

IT Professional

track keystrokes on pc without software

How IT Professionals track keystrokes on PC without software to solve the problems :

Track unauthorized command codingIdentify the unauthorized command and resolve them immediately.

IT troubleshooting to collect details on user problems and resolve them accurately. 

Gather Valuable Statistics – The more data you own, the more metrics you can calculate.


track keystrokes on pc without software

benefits you will get from track keystrokes on PC without software from your child :

Parental supervision of kidsto protect your child in their online and inappropriate typing  activities for harmful accessing contents such as gambling sites and other illegal websites.

Track of a spouseto collect activity on a device the user owns for proof of cheating.

Potential problems ( If you are not tracking keystroke on PC without software )

  1. Frauds 

  2. Unauthorized coding and command

  3. More cases of cheating on spouses that may lead to the criminal 

  4. Your kids will accessing more on harmful contents such as buying illegal items and accessing gambling sites by using your transaction account 

  5. Law enforcement and military sector will facing the hard task to find out the unauthorized access from the traitors (In cases the users are technical hackers that able to evade the security measure by eliminating the keylogger software. ) 

  6. Viruses from the unauthorized software.

Track keystrokes with lawful keyloggers

track keystrokes on pc without software

Keystroke logging is created to record everything you type on a computer and track keystrokes or keypresses on PC without software. These are used to quietly monitor your computer activity while you use your devices as normal.

Keystroke logging is an act of tracking and recording every keystroke entry made on a computer such as length of the keypress, time of keypress, velocity of keypress and name of the key used.

Keystroke logging is designed for legitimate purposes like feedback for software development and the actions like above scenarios.  

Keystroke logging hardware kits are designed to reduce the complexity of setting up the key logging program. We offer the simplest solutions that do not require any technical solutions and lower price than hiring the IT professional. Just plug the device in, that’s all.

Complete set of Lawful PC Forensic Keyloggers

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1.  Black Mojo Keyboard Built-in Keylogger – Technical IT Grade :  Ideal for specific target you want to track their typing activities on PC ( For Windows. ) 

2. Black Mojo USB Built-in Keylogger – Technical IT Grade :  Ideal for portable ( Can be used with Windows, Mac and Linux.)

3. Voice Logger Stick for Windows – Technical IT Grade : Turn computer into voice recorder  to record the crucial conversations happening around the computer and the significant conversation in video conferences as well.

If you have any questions or technical problems.

You can read our PC Forensic & Keylogger FAQ page.

We also recommend you to read our FAQ  before making any purchase decision.

Benefits of Lawful PC Forensic

No software installation needs 

Invulnerable for security scanners and anti-spyware ( Does not harm your security as well )

Completely undetectable from anti-virus software ( Perfect for covert monitoring )

Recording and playback can be done on two different computers

USB technology guarantees super-fast data retrieve 

Know all the unauthorized movement 

Track all unauthorized & inappropriate typing activities