CLOAKEY - Ultimate Online Privacy Grade

Sometime, when you visit the websites you never realize that once you enter to the website your information already collected.

This stick allows you to perform browsing the internet with the extra shield to protect your identity or it means the websites you visit are not able to collect your information.

You can read our article about how website collect your information, types of internet surveillance and how to protect it.

privacy protection from browsing the internet & websites

Unfortunately at this time the Cloakey Online Privacy Tool is only designed for use on Windows computers, as long as there is a USB port to run the software in order to operate with other computers.

No, the software boots off the USB 3.0 stick supplied. It does not leave any trace on the hard drive and doesn’t leave any history.

No, the Cloakey system is also designed to evade these types of threat and will remain unaffected.

No, as long as you have set up a strong password which is hard to guess for the Password Manager program , then these will remain protected.

Yes, although Tor is considered to be a ‘Dark web’ tool actually it is not illegal to use CLOAKEY to maintain complete privacy when performing online.

Yes, the software works off the USB stick, so it does need to remain plugged in, however this does mean that nothing is downloaded onto the machine being used.