Is Digital Voice Recording Better Than Smartphone Recording ?

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Is Digital Voice Recording Better Than Smartphone Recording ?

We cannot deny that there are a lot of arguments about which is the better choice between smartphone recording & digital voice recording. Due to the growth of innovation, smartphones are completely changing our life, everything can be done and completely with only one smart device, even recording.

In our opinion, smartphone recording has a good sound quality but if it compares with the digital voice recorder, smartphone recording has countless flaws as well. 

This topic we are going to discuss about why we still need digital voice recording over smartphone recording and why digital voice recording is better than smartphone recording with our opinions below.

Why is digital voice recording better than smartphone recording ?

1. Legal Evidence

Perpetrators can misuse technology to harass, intimidate, threaten or do any violence actions.

When technology-facilitated violence occurs, maintaining a record of events is important for criminal and civil legal proceedings.

In any kind of court proceedings, it is important to present any kind of evidence that both parties can provide. A recorded audio clip can be a determining factor for the jury. The same can be said about preparing a last will and testament.

You can also read our article about How To Legally Record Harassment Conversation Without Consent.

2. To Record The Events While You Are Away

The solid point of digital voice recorders is you can leave the voice recorder to record & capture significant evidence when you are away. 

Nowadays, digital voice recorders have come up with the covert design in order to record the significant evidence without being suspected from the perpetrators.

Sometimes you can also know the well-being of your family and some unexpected events in your house.

Please be advised : You cannot place the voice reocrder in other private property.

3. Better Battery Life

Usually, smartphones may have a battery life of up to 48 hours, the same as some digital voice recorders. However, your phone’s battery power is dependent on how often you use it. If you wish to perform continuous recording, smartphone recording is not an ideal solution. 

Nowadays, digital voice recorders have come up with the powerful battery life in order to increase standby ability to perform the longer continuous record. 

You can explore our Covert Audio Range which has varying covert design, longer standby power & longer battery life.

4. Audio Quality Improvement

In this point, we are going to state that digital voice recorder has more ability to perform better recording than the smart phone recording such as : 

Recording range : Modern digital voice recorders have come up with the longer range of recording & capturing the voices.

Better prioritize human voice : Modern digital voice recorders have also come up with better voice capturing by capturing the human voices better in the noisy environment.

Voice activated feature : It is nothing new but this feature is the key point to save the digital voice recorder battery life, once you activate this feature you can leave your voice recorder in the place that you would like to record. The voice recorder will record by itself once the human sound or conversation occurs. 


Even smartphones can make our life easier because they contain a lot of features in the devices but sometimes it’s not working efficiently just like the original products. 

In this case, we are going to conclude why a digital voice recorder is better than a smartphone recording.

As we mentioned above, digital voice recorder has performed better than smartphone recording in various ways such as : 

1. Perform better covert missions without raising any suspicions from the perpetrators. 

2. Can leave it anywhere without raising any suspicions from the Perpetrators due to the covert design that makes voice recorders look like everyday items.

3. Digital voice recorders have stronger battery life because we use our smartphone on a daily basis that leads to the draining of smartphone’s battery life.

4. Modern digital voice recorders are able to record human voices in further range and also capture better human voice in the noisy environment.


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