The Ultimate Guide to Block Listening Devices : Listening Devices Blocker

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This article aims to shed light on the importance of listening device blockers to block unauthorized listening devices and how they can effectively safeguard our privacy.

In today’s technologically advanced world, privacy has become a major concern for individuals and businesses alike. With the increasing prevalence of listening devices, it has become imperative to protect our confidential conversations from being intercepted.

Understanding Listening devices

1.1 What Are Listening Devices?

Listening devices, commonly referred to as bugs or wiretaps, are covert surveillance tools used to intercept and record audio conversations without the knowledge of the people involved. These devices can be as small as a coin, making them incredibly difficult to detect.

1.2 How Do Listening Devices Work?

Listening devices utilize a variety of technologies such as radio frequencies, GSM networks, and Wi-Fi signals to transmit the intercepted audio data. Once installed, they can be remotely accessed by the person conducting the surveillance, enabling them to eavesdrop on private conversations.

The Threats Posed by Listening Devices

2.1 Invasion of Privacy

The unauthorized use of listening devices infringes upon individuals’ right to privacy. Whether it’s for personal or professional reasons, everyone has the right to communicate without fear of being monitored or recorded.

2.2 Corporate Espionage

Businesses, especially those involved in sensitive industries, are at an increased risk of corporate espionage. Competitors or malicious actors may attempt to gain access to confidential information through the use of listening devices, jeopardizing the integrity of an organization.

Signs that you may be a victim of illegal surveillance

  • Unusual sounds or noises during phone calls
  • Clicking sounds, echoes, or static interference ( someone is eavesdropping on your conversations )
  • Unusual changes in your environment, such as furniture or objects being moved slightly
  • Unfamiliar vehicles parked nearby your home or workplace that seem to be monitoring your activities
  • Disruptions of your electronic devices

If your phone, computer, or television starts acting strangely, such as turning on or off by itself, receiving random texts or messages, or experiencing sudden battery drain, it is possible that someone has gained unauthorized access to your devices for surveillance purposes.

The Need for Listening Device Blockers

3.1 Protecting Sensitive Information

Listening device blockers act as a proactive solution to protect sensitive conversations from being intercepted. By deploying these blockers, individuals and businesses can create a secure environment where confidential information remains confidential.

3.2 Maintaining Confidentiality

Whether it’s discussing trade secrets, confidential client information, or personal matters, maintaining confidentiality is crucial. Listening device blockers provide a layer of defense against potential breaches of privacy.

How Listening Device Blockers Work

4.1 Signal Jamming

Listening device blockers operate by emitting radio frequency signals that interfere with the frequencies used by listening devices. This jamming action renders the devices ineffective, preventing the interception of audio conversations.

4.2 Wide Coverage

Advanced listening device blockers are capable of covering a wide range of frequencies, ensuring that all types of listening devices are blocked effectively. This comprehensive coverage provides peace of mind, knowing that conversations are protected.

Choosing the Right Listening Devices Blocker

5.1 Range and Frequency Coverage

When selecting a listening device blocker, it is essential to consider its range and frequency coverage. The blocker should be capable of covering the frequencies commonly used by listening devices to ensure optimal protection.

5.2 Portability and Ease of Use

Portability and ease of use are vital factors to consider, especially for individuals who frequently move between locations. A compact and user-friendly listening device blocker allows for convenient deployment and operation.

Introduction of listening devices blocker 

Our listening devices blocker is designed to turn off all listening devices such as GSM Bug, audio transmitter and audio recorder to become deactivated devices.

In additional, all listening devices can be muted by emitting ultrasonic wave through listening devices blocker. 

Frequently questions asked by our clients, can we hear ultrasonic voice during emitting the ultrasonic wave ? The answer is no, you will not hear any interferance sound from ultrasonic wave.


Benefits of listening devices blocker

Mute all listening devices 

Mute all voice transmitters

Phone recorders and phone calls will not work as well

Great item to secure private meeting 

Reduce time to find out listening devices manually

Types of listening devices and free tips to detect it

1. GSM Bugs with SIM & Non SIM Card

The appearance of this device is very small and hard to find if you are not using detector.

These items are widely sell in online marketplace with an affordable price, everyone can own and access.

Which means everyone has a chance of being bugged & tracked by these devices.

Tips to detect GSM Bugging devices :

1. Find the small items in your room, if you found the items with SIM card inserted. Yes, you are being bugged.

2. Now, GSM bugs have been produced as covert surveillance by adding SIM Card function in everyday items for remote monitoring, you can manually search by checking SIM Card inside each item. 

3. If you don’t want to waste your time bug detector can help you solve this problem faster.

4. If you don’t own a detector you can perform manually search by turn-off all smart home appliance such as printer, fax, and other transmitted devices. 

You can test by using AirPod or other wireless headphones, if you experience the signal interference during using AirPod or wireless headphone, it’s mean GSM bug is transmitting.

2. Audio transmitter

This item has been produced in form of overt and covert.

This item worked by placing audio transmitter and then the eavesdropper will pick up the audio receiver to listen your conversation.

Sometime, this item may come up as an everyday item such as pen, mouse, HDMI, calculator and many other electronic devices.

You are seeing our images right ? yes these items are voice/audio transmitter. 

As you can see, they are showing alphabet letters B & C right ? they are indicated channel once the eavesdropper turn on channel B, HDMI audio transmitter will work. But if they turn on channel C, mouse audio transmitter will work, your conversation will transmit directly to the eavesdropper.

Tips to detect audio transmitter :

You may find some indicated channels in covert items such as alphabet letters or numbers.

It means they are transmitting to somewhere in your house or elsewhere because audio transmitter can perform within 200 to 1000 meters depending on signal strength as well.

3. Audio recorder / Covert recorder

This item has been widely used by lawful investigators to perform discrete investigations.

Tips to detect audio / covert recorder:

These items are also produced as everyday items such as calculator, pen, USB, power bank and many more.

Covert audio and digital recorder cannot be detected by bug detector because they are not transmitted listening devices.

But you can perform manually search by looking the appearance of the products, they will show you some switch on/off or voice activated / continuously record button.


In a world where privacy is constantly being challenged, listening device blockers offer an effective solution to protect confidential conversations. By understanding the threats posed by listening devices and selecting the right blocker, individuals and businesses can safeguard their privacy and maintain the confidentiality of their communications.

Listening devices are mostly produced as daily items by adding hidden microphones and SIM Card to monitor and capture your conversations. 

You can manually search but it going to waste your time a lot, if there are more than one listening devices place in your area.

Our recommendation is purchasing bug & wiretap detector device or listening device blocker to save your time and secure your lifetime privacy.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

A Boardroom Suppressor is a device designed to prevent unauthorized audio recordings in meeting rooms and offices. Its primary function is to protect confidential discussions from being captured by recording devices, such as microphones hidden in electronic devices or everyday objects.

block listening devices & counter audio surveillance

The Boardroom Suppressor employs two technologies for audio suppression :

1. Ultra-sonic emission (silent) : This technology emits sound at a frequency that is inaudible to human ears but overwhelms microphones, ensuring that recorded audio consists only of the emitted sound.

2. White Noise Acoustic Interference : This technology creates acoustic interference in the air, making it difficult for microphones, even advanced ones, to capture clear audio.

Yes, the Boardroom Suppressor can be deployed both covertly and overtly, depending on your specific security needs and preferences.

Yes, the Boardroom Suppressor can be operated remotely, providing convenience and flexibility in its usage.

The Boardroom Suppressor can be beneficial for various types of organizations and situations, including :

  • Fortune 500 corporations
  • Human Resources departments for internal disciplinary actions
  • Businesses engaged in confidential agreements and negotiations
  • Companies dealing with business partner disputes
  • Organizations conducting important meetings, including crisis management, R&D, and legal discussions

The Boardroom Suppressor employs Ultra-sonic emission technology, which emits sound that is inaudible to human ears but overwhelms microphones.

This ensures that even if electronic devices with hidden microphones are present, they will only record the emitted sound, preventing them from capturing the discussion.

The Boardroom Suppressor introduces a new layer of protection by actively suppressing audio recording devices in real-time. While bug sweeping detects existing threats, the Boardroom Suppressor actively prevents live threats from recording discussions.

It complements traditional TSCM techniques and offers enhanced security for sensitive discussions.

The Boardroom Suppressor offers two types of audio suppression :

1. Silent Ultra Sonic Emission : Inaudible sound that overwhelms microphones.

Silent Ultra Sonic Emission – means the sound that is being made is not audible to human ears, but to a microphone, it is a deafening sound that will overpower the microphone and ensure the recording will not record anything but the sound of ultra-sonic emission, ultra-sonic emission mode can suppress audio on all types of digital audio recorders. 

2. White Noise Generation : Creates acoustic interference, making it difficult for microphones to capture clear audio.

White Noise Acoustic Interference – for defeating Analog audio recorder but we recommend using both silent ultra-sonic emission and white noise, to defeat analog audio recorders.


The Boardroom Suppressor is equipped with 8 ultrasonic transducers and 1 acoustic speaker.

Proper positioning allows it to protect various types of offices and meeting rooms effectively.

Yes, the Boardroom Suppressor is capable of suppressing even highly protected microphones, such as those found in the latest iPhone and Samsung cell phones, which can be challenging to thwart using conventional methods.

More than 5 hours of battery once the device is fully charged for approximately 4.5 hours.

We do not recommended you to use these devices while your pets presence because  most of the pets (dogs, cats, rodents, etc.) rather painfully react to ultrasonic wave.

Yes, you can operate this device in Silent Ultrasonic emission mode if you need to use this system covertly.

Catenaccio Suppressor – Protect rooms up to 23 feet long and 12 feet wide.

Black Tino – Protect rooms up to 10 ft long and 6 ft wide using 1 system.

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